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Aqua Aerobics Mill Park

    • Categories Exercise
    • Organisation Whittlesea U3A

    LOCATION:DESCRIPTION: Aqua Aerobics Program with an instructor has returned. This program will cost $7.50 per week which can be paid either cash or card and is ONLY AVAILABLE TO ACTIVE WHITTLESEA U3A MEMBERS Members will need to show their current 2025 membership badge to be allowed into the program each… 

    Bike Riding

      • Categories Exercise
      • Organisation Whittlesea U3A

      LOCATION: Various locations DESCRIPTION: Distance of rides 25km and 35km. Speed: Leisurely/relaxed/moderate The rides are mainly on bike paths/trails/back streets BENEFITS: Cardio exercise improves health and wellbeing A social – fun outdoor activity. Riders either drive with their bikes in their car or ride their bikes to the starting point.… 

      Exercise For Fitness

        • Categories Exercise
        • Organisation Whittlesea U3A

        LOCATION: THOMASTOWN library Main Road Thomastown DESCRIPTION: THIS CLASS WILL NOT BE HELD FROM MID JUNE TO MID JULY. This is a gentle exercise class to develop strength. The focus is total body strength whilst keeping the heart pumping. All exercises are completed at the participants pace and rate of… 

        Exercise For Fitness #2

          • Categories Exercise
          • Organisation Whittlesea U3A

          LOCATION: French Street Hall, French Street Lalor DESCRIPTION: THIS CLASS WILL NOT BE HELD FROM MID JUNE TO MID JULY. This is a gentle exercise class to develop strength. The focus is total body strength whilst keeping the heart pumping. All exercises are completed at the participants pace and rate… 

          Exercises for Healthy Ageing

            • Categories Exercise
            • Organisation Whittlesea U3A

            LOCATION: Thomastown Library Community Room 2/52 Main Street Thomastown DESCRIPTION: Based on her experience on rehabilitation Physiotherapist Ida offers supervised exercises that are different and suitable for all levels of fitness in a happy and friendly group atmosphere. REQUIREMENTS: Casual clothing dumbbell ball; stretching bands hand/ankle weights (optional).

            Feel Well, Be Well

              • Categories Exercise
              • Organisation Whittlesea U3A

              LOCATION: THOMASTOWN library Main Road Thomastown DESCRIPTION: This is an exercise to dancing class. The tutor Pattie uses music to get participants exercising at their own pace and level. It is a fun and light-hearted class aimed at getting the heart pumping and the legs moving.